Read the post prior to this one to learn about our day in April shooting Megan's bridals.
The image of the car was the surprise to the groom and turned out to be a labor of love to the bride from Kevin. It was shot in the dark so a beautiful sunset had to be added. This is a good opportunity to tell a little secret obsession that Kevin has...He loves to photograph the sky, be it just clouds or beautiful sunsets. The good thing about this obsession was that he had a plethora of images to choose from! Any way, back to the car. Kevin added flashes inside it to illuminate the interior and spent many hours using his artistic abilities and Photo-shop to create this art piece that was displayed above the grooms cake.
If you want to see more ask to be my friend on Face Book. (Trudy Williams)
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
KL WiLLiAMS photography
Trudy 972-814-5856