This morning I woke up next to the man I said "I do" to 30 years ago today. Then I was showered with HUNDREDS of "sweet" kisses and a beautiful card that he made himself. He is so creative and has such a way with words. From the first day that we met in 1976, through today he has been leaving me expressions of his love and words of encouragement in cards, on pieces of scrap paper, on the back of the electric bill envelope, the front of the dentist reminder cards that get sent to the house and on paper napkins; whatever is available when an inspiration comes to him. I am not sure if he is aware of it but I have saved every sediment and cherish his written words because they come from his heart. The last line in the card that he made for me today says, "embrace my heart for just 30 more years and I will love you forever." (the rest of the words are only for me...)
Just the other day someone made the comment that we should consider renewing our vows at 30 years, and I have been thinking about that. The conclusion that I have come to is: why would I want to do anything that would cloud or replace the memories of that precious day. The vows that I promised at 1:00pm on April 21st, 1979, are the ones that I still hold close today, thirty years later.
If I take the time to sit quietly and close my eyes, I can still feel the fluttering in my stomach on the way to to church and the indescribable joy in my heart on that day. I remember reciting the "whether thou goest, I will go" scripture from the book of Ruth to Kevin and the tingle I felt when he placed the silver band on my finger. I can still see the tear that trickled down my Dad's face as he walked me down the isle and as I gazed into the eyes of my very soon to be husband when he said his vows, I could see into his very soul. Even in my sweet innocence, I knew it was forever...
I can even remember all the words to the songs that were sung. I think I'll sing them to Kevin tonight! I can still see the two doves that perched on the top layer of the cake, and my baby brother wearing the little white ring barer suit that I made for him. I still have the dime that my uncle gave me for a phone call the night before the wedding, just in case I needed to call him. Shopping for my gown with my mother was a special time. How we ended up with the "southern bell" look in Pennsylvania is still a mystery... but she assured me that hats were all the rage...
The first dance with my dad was a tender time and I'm not sure that he wanted to let me go! The last dance was with my mother and she really was not letting go! Kevin tore me from her arms and picked me up and ran from the reception hall to the car decorated with pink tissue carnations.
Then, our honeymoon began, with HUNDREDS of "sweet" kisses...
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856
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