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How did I become ME? Well today, May 30th, that question is answered as I give thanks and honor to my parents, Wade and Mary Jane Roe who are celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary. A beautiful blond haired gal with the cutest little nose gave her heart to a tall handsome guy and that began their journey...
So back to the original question, "How did I become ME?" Well, five years into their journey, I was born! It was a time in their life when they were members of a sports car club. They drove the very first convertible, Thunderbird and it was red, of course. When I was old enough to stand, I was donned in a beautiful straw hat and dress to match my mother and was allowed to stand on the seat between them as we participated in rallies. I think I was like a new " hood ornament" that they were so proud of!
I am not exactly like just one of my parents but a combination of them both. Sorta like a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll! (where did that come from?) As far as looks, I got my blond hair and small nose from mom and my high forehead and blue eyes from dad. Those outward traits are determined by the genes and are accepted "as is." However it is the inward traits passed on that began to form I to ME. This took work and diligence, time, determination and sacrifice on the part of my parents as they began to mold me through their training but mostly by their example.
Just to mention a few, I watched my mom teach bible school and visit the nursing home. She made sure that less fortunate kids had Christmas gifts and she did without so I could have things. She was very talented and was always sewing and baking and making crafts. So I have to say that my mom is responsible for my desire to give of myself and put others first, my love for art and my love of the Lord.
I watched my dad build an airplane in our basement and heard him talk of machines that he invented. I watched him start a business in a shed in our back yard, then move it to the garage and now, thanks to him it is a thriving business in an Industrial Park. Because of my dad, I am constantly looking for something to invent myself and I do not like to sit idle. He has instilled in me a desire to better myself and my situation. He taught me to "think."
Wow! Now I see that it took many years to form ME, and I have not even begun to scratch the surface....
So, mom and dad, if you read this I would just like to say thanks for hikes in the woods and picnics at the airport. Thanks for lemonade stands and birthday parties, and being so active in all my school events including my green hair when I was a leprechaun in the play. Thanks for giving me a beautiful childhood filled with wonderful memories. And last but not least, thank you for living your life as an example so I could become the very best "ME!" I am not bragging, but as Martha Stewart would say, "It's a good thing!"That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856
Ever since my return from Texas School things have been busy. OK, now I'll be honest with you. I have been sitting at this computer every chance I get "playing" with Photo Shop and all the "goodies" I learned in the class. It is so exiting to use the effects on our photography and not the stock photos provided by the instructor. You know how you feel when you purchase a new picture frame and there is a stranger looking back at you? Then you put a photo of your child in it and you get that ahhhhh feeling and the warn fuzzies inside? Well that's how I'm feeling, so forgive me for the short blog today...
We all own one or two of these and they seem so popular in decor nowadays. I personally have five of them in different sizes and shapes on my dining table. Now, with their growing popularity we must step outside the box to set ours apart from everyone else' s. Oh yea, I guess I should tell you that I am talking about clear glass cylinders.
In the post today, you will see one filled with creamers that the client has a passion for collecting. (to each his own!) It does set her common cylinder apart from the rest. So what are you going to put in yours? How about coffee beans, or old silverware? Just please do me a favor and do not put fake fruit in it!
And that advice didn't cost you a thing!That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856
Well friends I am finally back. I am caught up on the lost sleep and my 50 year old body has realized that I would only commit it to one week of college life at a time and has turned from it's rebellious spirit.
Early morning to early morning was the schedule for my week at Texas School for Professional Photographers. Thank goodness eight hours of each day was sitting in front of a computer learning my way around Photoshop. Thank you Thomas Wylie of Pine Acres Photography for being my desk mate. I could not have done it without you! Like I said in an earlier post, this was a big stretch for me. I am an artist who paints on the wall and not on a computer screen. I am an old fashioned gal at heart and have fought the technology of the computer as if it were a space alien when it comes to my art. Besides, I am married to George Jetson who always seems to be on the galactic edge of the computer frontier. My teacher made a few blond jokes, so that may have something to do with it too???
So, to sum up the Texas School experience, I have to say that it was incredible! I rubbed shoulders with some of the greatest icons in the photographic craft, made some new friends, was inspired beyond belief and gained a confidence with "art" on the computer to fly my own space ship! I am already deciding what course to take next year. And by the way, I had tons of fun.
The post today is a canvas gallery wrap composite (14"X30") of three generations. This is an example of what can be done using Photoshop. We photographed each person individually to capture their unique personality, which is not always possible when shooting as a large group. The polished images were then merged together. (a lot more involved, but that's it in a nutshell) We were thrilled with the outcome and knew we hit the ball out of the park when the client saw the canvas and said,"priceless!"
What would a precious family heirloom like this be worth to you?
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856