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Today was a fun day. Rachel, my daughter and I have been making a habit of spending Monday's (her day off) together. Usually the day includes shopping, lunch and some form of "pampering." Today included the usual shopping trip, but in an unusual place. We spent the afternoon searching for the perfect frocks to fit a "chic" chihuahua named Molly at Pets Mart. This mighty-mini with a super-sized attitude who could fit into a coffee mug is my new "grand dog."
When Rachel and Darren got married, I made it clear that when they had children, I did not want to be called "Grandma." I want to be called "G." That's right, just "G." Well, we are trying the title out with the grand dog, and I have to say I like the sound of it! I was also in true "G" form today, spoiling her by buying all those things she could not live without...and letting her taste her first ice cream sandwich as seen in the snap shot posted.
I even showed Rachel how to smuggle her into Walmart in an overnight bag! I know, I know, it was wrong for me to do, but a good "G" would never leave the baby in the car regardless of the chance that all three of us would be kicked out of Walmart and suffer public humiliation!
But the very best part of the day was the glimpse of motherhood that I witnessed in Rachel as she tenderly handled that pooch with the apple shaped head and bugged out eyes that only a mother could love. For now Miss Molly will fill that nurturing instinct within Rachel, but I have great feelings for the future when she is blessed with a little one with just two legs, and please Lord, normal sized ears!
And I think I am going to be a pretty good "G" too. Especially with all this practice I am getting!
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

Today I decided that I have a new favorite book. Celebrating my only daughter's 26th birthday, I took some quiet time to reminisce about the special day that she was placed in my arms for the very first time. On March 25th at 7:32am in Alexandria, Louisiana, I gave birth to a beautiful baby who we named after her great grandmother. She weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces and was 21.5 inches tall. Some facts we never seem to forget, but as I soaked up the words and pictures in my new favorite book, I realized that this book was invaluable in making sure that I never let go of all the little details that began on this day twenty six years ago.
Rachel Ann discovered her hands and feet at three months and laughed out loud at four months. She sat up on her own at five months and pulled up at ten months. Her first words were Daddy and bird, and she climbed the stairs at twelve months. At eighteen months she weighed twenty five pounds and at thirty six months put on her socks all by herself. When she was two she could cut with scissors and use crayons and on her third birthday she came down with the chickenpox. In April of 1986 she milked a cow in Springfield and on her seventh Christmas Santa brought a doll called "Baby Bubbles." Karate and violin lessons began in 1989 and fast forwarding for the sanity of you readers...My precious little girl was married on February 2, 2008, and now a new book has begun...
I guess by now you have figured out that my new favorite book is entitled "Baby's Milestones." My baby Rachel's milestones!
Happy Birthday to you, dear one...
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

So what do you think about the new look and direction for Murals & Design?
Saying goodbye to all those black polka dots was harder than I thought it would be. Everywhere I turned in my little world I saw spots! I have dots on a pair of shoes, on my ink pens and notebooks, the dog's collar, Kevin's neck tie, my suitcase, my jacket, and the list goes on and on. Wow! I just realized that these items that I seemed obsessed with collecting because they matched the black and white polka dot theme that has been the face of Murals & Design for years, completely goes against everything I preach to my clients! "No matcy-matchy!" Well, now I am totally convinced. The dots have to go! There is something about putting the words in writing that makes you see the real truth in "black and white!"
With all that being said, I still would like your input on the new look, but please don't ask me to bring back the black dots!
On a different note, I wanted to share with you the "just in time for spring" project that Murals & Design did for a grandma who adores her grandgirls. This room painted in a dusty purple is filled with antiques and mementos from the family. I painted the names of the three precious girls and the flowers in a limey-sage color. The ribbon on the mirror was the inspiration for that color. Initially I thought I would use a darker purple for the names, but sometimes a contrasting color has more of an impact. The key to its success is to match the tone to the style of the room. This antiquated grandgirls room needed to be soft and not over powering with contrast.
Hearts are touched when grandchildren arrive at grandmas house to spent the night and see their names painted on the wall of a very special room created just for them. Think about it...
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

The bible in Hebrews 13 says: "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."
An angel was certainly here at our home this afternoon when we photographed this beautiful "sweety-pattootie."
She is about three months old and may very well be the most pleasant infant we have had the pleasure of working with so far. Mom, Grandma, and Great Grandma were in attendance to keep her focused and in character during her special "close-up."
In this image she is wearing a delicately appointed white christening outfit that was provided by Grandma. She recently wore the dress at her dedication ceremony just a few weeks ago.
This little darling should prove we have angels "all about" clearing the way and protecting the path as we go on our way on this earth.
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

Now that I have finally "reset" all the clocks in the house to reflect the time change, something has flipped a switch in me. I should be taking notes because I think this "thing" happens to me every year about this time.
The same dead plants in the flower beds that I walked by and ignored for months, before the time change, drive me crazy now. This is Texas so it was not like there was snow hiding them from me. After the "change" they seem to taunt me as I pass by on the way to my car; calling my name and waving to get my attention!
This "thing" [change] affects "Trudy" personally too. I mull over things like, should I start spelling my name "Trudae" instead? Maybe I should use all lower case letters, "trudae." This is the way that my art teacher in high school suggested that I sign all my paintings. Hmmm... I wonder if she was trying to make me "change" 30 years ago?
The latest thing that I am feeling is a strong urge to change the design of my business. It's hard because my business cards and stationary feature all those black polka dots which have become a part of me! They have been with me through many, many tubes and gallons of paint. But my business has gradually evolved into many more areas of interest, not just murals. The dots along with the "space toaster" font, project my fun and whimsical side which I do not want to lose. But I am feeling the need to add some "BAM!" to "kick it up a notch." You know, some of "Emerial's" seasoning right?
My very understanding husband, being sensitive to my "condition" suggested that I start with a new photo. I resigned myself to put my full trust in him to create a metamorphosis in me from the other side of his lens. Then he told me to "take it off!" Say what???? OK, off with the baseball cap! I was pretty pleased with the final output and suggested that he let me photograph him to match "my" new look. So now I am wondering if this should be the new look for the photography side of the business and not for Murals & Design??? I am toying with a new name for the photo side also. Now that the time has changed, "Williams Photography" seems so common to me. How about: keVINphotography?
Oh my! Is there a cure for all this racing in my head? It may be time to just step back and take a breath. Now where did I put that ball cap that says,
"Just kiss me, I'm Irish!"
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

Yesterday, Murals & Design installed the final element in this inviting guest bedroom, the draperies. The client in Forney, Texas already had some beautiful "bones" for this room, but it just lacked pizazz with its beige walls and country style bedding.
The beautiful rice carved poster bed and two paintings that the client already had were the inspiration for the blue / green colors. The focal wall was a darker shade then two shades lighter was applied to the other three walls. The darker wall was given a stencil effect that matched the pattern in the bedding.
And when Trudy looks up, you know you're in trouble! My thought was that if the stencil looked good on the wall, it would look awesome on the ceiling! My friend Beth bravely took on the task of doing all the painting and stenciling. She did a wonderful job and doesn't hate me too much for making her do the ceiling! It truly was the "icing on the cake" for this room.
We were able to use the existing accessories that were in this room, except for the bedside lamps. Because of the height of the posts on the bed, I suggested that buffet style lamps would better enhance the look. The shades were custom made for us by a local lamp manufacturer to contrast the bedding. What you do not see in the photograph is a Thomas Kinkade, " Paris street scene." Also there is a teal colored plaque gilded in gold that says "One shoe can change a life."...Cinderella
If you have a room in your home that you "call" a guest room, take the time to make it a cozy retreat so your guests will feel special. Don't forget to add a little something unexpected to make them smile.
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

As I was reflecting on the weekend I can't help but to think about my neighbor friends and fish. This past Saturday all ten of us got together to celebrate my husband Kevin's birthday. No, we did not go to Captain D's we did Italian. (Kevin's favorite) OK, so what is the association between friends and fish? They both start with the letter F, don't they?! Come on, I know that I am" blond" but I can think a little deeper than letter association!
I have always been enthralled with salt water creatures. It would probably be safe to say that visiting an aquarium would rank tops on my list of fun! I am not into knowing the particulars about each species ( I am an artist not a scientist) but more intrigued with the diverse shapes and colors of the sea life. I have been observed lingering longer than the normal viewing time, staring through the glass as if in a trance. There have been times that a deep belly laugh has erupted from a normally quiet Trudy. I can't think of any one location where there are so many exhibitions of creative art work all in one place. It has convinced me that God has a sense of humor, and is an awesome color specialist!
Now trying to stay focused on neighbor friends and fish...It's really pretty simple. If you saw us all together you would not think that we were family because we all look so different. We were raised in different parts of the country and have different views on politics and religion. Some of us have children and it is safer that some of us do not. Our choice in pets range from Yorkie to Dobermans, and we drive the gamut between mini vans to motor cycles. We have about a 30 year age spread between us, with the youngest being nicknamed "Ladybug Johnston" because she is just as cute as a bug, to the eldest we lovingly call Aunt Millie. We look to her for wisdom. I think she is listed in the drop down category under Google:" Ask Millie!"
So now you see the association with the fish. We are all so unique in our own ways but get along so well! We love to laugh together and because we are on this path called life, we will inevitability have the opportunity to cry together... I know that I can call on any one of them and they would be right there for me and in turn there is nothing that I would not do for them!
Hmmm...If I were not a human, I think I would like to be a hot pink octopus! What about you?
This under the sea mural is another from Murals & Design for Emmanuel Church.
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856