So what do you think about the new look and direction for Murals & Design?
Saying goodbye to all those black polka dots was harder than I thought it would be. Everywhere I turned in my little world I saw spots! I have dots on a pair of shoes, on my ink pens and notebooks, the dog's collar, Kevin's neck tie, my suitcase, my jacket, and the list goes on and on. Wow! I just realized that these items that I seemed obsessed with collecting because they matched the black and white polka dot theme that has been the face of Murals & Design for years, completely goes against everything I preach to my clients! "No matcy-matchy!" Well, now I am totally convinced. The dots have to go! There is something about putting the words in writing that makes you see the real truth in "black and white!"
With all that being said, I still would like your input on the new look, but please don't ask me to bring back the black dots!
On a different note, I wanted to share with you the "just in time for spring" project that Murals & Design did for a grandma who adores her grandgirls. This room painted in a dusty purple is filled with antiques and mementos from the family. I painted the names of the three precious girls and the flowers in a limey-sage color. The ribbon on the mirror was the inspiration for that color. Initially I thought I would use a darker purple for the names, but sometimes a contrasting color has more of an impact. The key to its success is to match the tone to the style of the room. This antiquated grandgirls room needed to be soft and not over powering with contrast.
Hearts are touched when grandchildren arrive at grandmas house to spent the night and see their names painted on the wall of a very special room created just for them. Think about it...
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856
Your new looks draws me in. It looks personable, professional and sophisticated all at the same time. Well done!