Now that I have finally "reset" all the clocks in the house to reflect the time change, something has flipped a switch in me. I should be taking notes because I think this "thing" happens to me every year about this time.
The same dead plants in the flower beds that I walked by and ignored for months, before the time change, drive me crazy now. This is Texas so it was not like there was snow hiding them from me. After the "change" they seem to taunt me as I pass by on the way to my car; calling my name and waving to get my attention!
This "thing" [change] affects "Trudy" personally too. I mull over things like, should I start spelling my name "Trudae" instead? Maybe I should use all lower case letters, "trudae." This is the way that my art teacher in high school suggested that I sign all my paintings. Hmmm... I wonder if she was trying to make me "change" 30 years ago?
The latest thing that I am feeling is a strong urge to change the design of my business. It's hard because my business cards and stationary feature all those black polka dots which have become a part of me! They have been with me through many, many tubes and gallons of paint. But my business has gradually evolved into many more areas of interest, not just murals. The dots along with the "space toaster" font, project my fun and whimsical side which I do not want to lose. But I am feeling the need to add some "BAM!" to "kick it up a notch." You know, some of "Emerial's" seasoning right?
My very understanding husband, being sensitive to my "condition" suggested that I start with a new photo. I resigned myself to put my full trust in him to create a metamorphosis in me from the other side of his lens. Then he told me to "take it off!" Say what???? OK, off with the baseball cap! I was pretty pleased with the final output and suggested that he let me photograph him to match "my" new look. So now I am wondering if this should be the new look for the photography side of the business and not for Murals & Design??? I am toying with a new name for the photo side also. Now that the time has changed, "Williams Photography" seems so common to me. How about: keVINphotography?
Oh my! Is there a cure for all this racing in my head? It may be time to just step back and take a breath. Now where did I put that ball cap that says,
"Just kiss me, I'm Irish!"
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856
Love the blog AND the new look!
ReplyDeleteI like the new look. Very classy. God made you a beautiful woman and you there is no reason to hide that.