As I was reflecting on the weekend I can't help but to think about my neighbor friends and fish. This past Saturday all ten of us got together to celebrate my husband Kevin's birthday. No, we did not go to Captain D's we did Italian. (Kevin's favorite) OK, so what is the association between friends and fish? They both start with the letter F, don't they?! Come on, I know that I am" blond" but I can think a little deeper than letter association!
I have always been enthralled with salt water creatures. It would probably be safe to say that visiting an aquarium would rank tops on my list of fun! I am not into knowing the particulars about each species ( I am an artist not a scientist) but more intrigued with the diverse shapes and colors of the sea life. I have been observed lingering longer than the normal viewing time, staring through the glass as if in a trance. There have been times that a deep belly laugh has erupted from a normally quiet Trudy. I can't think of any one location where there are so many exhibitions of creative art work all in one place. It has convinced me that God has a sense of humor, and is an awesome color specialist!
Now trying to stay focused on neighbor friends and fish...It's really pretty simple. If you saw us all together you would not think that we were family because we all look so different. We were raised in different parts of the country and have different views on politics and religion. Some of us have children and it is safer that some of us do not. Our choice in pets range from Yorkie to Dobermans, and we drive the gamut between mini vans to motor cycles. We have about a 30 year age spread between us, with the youngest being nicknamed "Ladybug Johnston" because she is just as cute as a bug, to the eldest we lovingly call Aunt Millie. We look to her for wisdom. I think she is listed in the drop down category under Google:" Ask Millie!"
So now you see the association with the fish. We are all so unique in our own ways but get along so well! We love to laugh together and because we are on this path called life, we will inevitability have the opportunity to cry together... I know that I can call on any one of them and they would be right there for me and in turn there is nothing that I would not do for them!
Hmmm...If I were not a human, I think I would like to be a hot pink octopus! What about you?
This under the sea mural is another from Murals & Design for Emmanuel Church.
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856
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