Does it look like Murals & Design had fun creating this colorful, wow, room?!
This bright and happy room was created for a very energetic and full of life, little girl we call, Miss Caroline. She and her Mom picked out the bedding, then we took care of the rest and the fun began! The room was very large for a little girl, so we decided to use some tricks to make it feel more cozy. We divided the room horizontally into three sections. The top band and the ceiling are the same color. This gives the feeling of a lower ceiling. (stripes going vertically give the appearance of height) Other than paint brushes, metal mixing bowls were the tools of choice for creating all the circles and flowers. This gave us a consistent look and made the job go faster.
Murals & Design likes to include the child in the planning of the room as much as possible. It not only makes them feel special, but it helps them take ownership of their room. Usually, the results produce a child that is proud of our creation and bring all their friends to see, who, in turn, all want a Wow room too. But, the most important thing is that typically, they desire to keep it neat and clean, respecting and appreciating what their parents have provided for them.
Miss Caroline and I worked together coming up with the perfect expressions for her room to "say". The sentence that does not show in the photographs is, "Families are cool."
So the equation for this room is correct:
color + fun = WOW!
(I wish math was that easy in school!)
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
this is my friend carolines room she lives down the street from me !!!! :)