I know, the sentence in the title goes against all the we were taught and believe....but, Murals & Design has come up with a way to make that happen, at least when it comes to murals!
Have you heard the expression from your spouse "honey, we're moving again?" Are you a young couple living in an apartment, or a senior living in a retirement complex? You could even be a college student or a family who rents their home.
More than likely, all those who fall into the categories above have probably given up the thought of obtaining custom painted murals at this stage in their life. Most people who commission a mural from us have something in mind for the subject of the painting that is meaningful, specifically to them. Also, because of the investment made, they just can't bear the thought of leaving it behind.
Murals can be painted on canvas to be applied like wall paper then removed to take to Kalamazoo with you. The photo in this post is an example of another way that Murals & Design has created so you can "take it with you." We removed the beautiful picture frame doors and replaced them with smooth hollow core doors (very affordable) that we purchased from Home Depot. The original doors were stored in the attic and the new doors were painted with the precious daddy bunny, pushing his daughter on a swing, mural. Needless to say, after about a year in the nursery, the doors were loaded onto the moving van to make their trek from Arlington, Texas to St.Louis, Missouri.
This idea can also work for those of you who seem to stay in one place. When your child out grows the door mural, it could be stored and maybe handed down to a grandchild one day!
See, you CAN take it with you!
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design