Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I like to consider myself as an "out of the box" thinker. I love it when a client says, "Wow, I would have never thought of doing that!" I hear this a lot when we do re-merchandising.

A completely new space emerges using your existing furniture and accessories. These elements are re-staged to create a unique and fresh look without spending a fortune on new decor. Giving my clients a WOW room is the goal of Murals & Design. January is the perfect time to consider this service. The tree is packed away for another year and what will you do with the empty space it created in the living room? It's time for a "WOW" look for the New Year!

Creating something unique and unexpected is exhilarating to me, and I gleen inspiration from other artists. Today I came across this chalk artist, Julian Beever. So amazing, and to think it's only temporal...So that's all for now but as always...

Have a colorful day!

Murals & Design

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