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This is the finished image of a darling little girl, "Jadyn." She is just about a year old here and I have to say, there may not be a more pleasant baby on this earth to work with. Trust me when I say she made this easy to produce and was a joy till we called it "a wrap."
We did this formal series and a full Signature collection of "smash the cake" images. What a blast she had and memories to last forever; and she will have fabulous pictures to prove it.
We have more to share as extra time allows us to process and publish.
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

Our life has had the accompaniment of "shutter click" background music for many years now, but how did the melody begin?
Let's see, I remember catching the interest of a guy in 1978, who more often than not, gazed at me through the lens of his camera. And then it was our wedding photos, which was a poor capture of our special day by a wonderful photographer, who sent his assistant... At this point Kevin said, "I can do better than this!" Next was the part time job with a local studio and then photographer and writer for the Alexandria Daily Town Talk Newspaper. Kevin spent several years reading, studying and working with some great photographers in his free time, soaking up everything he could from them. He is a member of the Professional Photographers of America and Texas Professional Photographers. In September, he passed the Certified Professional Photographers written test with a high score. He will very soon be submitting the required "prints" to be judged by the PPA National Review Board to complete the process of becoming a Certified Professional Photographer. Still to this day I am amazed how his mind is a sponge when it comes to photography! I have come to realize that creating breathtaking, timeless images is his passion and his camera is like an appendage; you know like an arm or a leg needed for existence. In other words, it's part of the DNA of Kevin Lee Williams. I guess it is obvious that I am very proud of him... I too was born with the creative gene, which makes us a good team. I like Kevin also have a desire to get on the "working end" of the lens. The camera not being a natural "appendage" of mine, and me not being as technically minded, (come on now, give me a break, I'm a blond artist) it will take me more time and patience, but that is another story...
I said all this to let everyone know, as of yesterday, Murals & Design has welcomed KL WiLLiAMS Photography as a partner and subsidiary. This gathering will compliment Murals & Design very well in offering our clients a little something special; a new way to decorate your walls with something more than just paint and tapestries.
New beginnings bring new equipment, new investments, new obligations and new structure. We both have learned the hard way that anything "given away" is typically not perceived as valuable. As this is in life, the same is true in business. So beloved as we walk down the path of life, (sounds like a wedding, huh?!) KL WiLLiAMS photography wants to be a part. For those clients who seek to use our talents and services, they will be making an "investment" in personal art, where they will be the "Stars!" Our goal is not to be a high volume studio. Our desire is to take the time to create unique images and equally unique experiences for each of our clients; a memory, a timeless slice of your life forever recorded, special to you in every way... This is the same kind of service you have grown to enjoy from Murals & Design.
Our new equipment had its debut with a beautiful and bright 13 year old named Baleigh. It was refreshing to work with a teen who was so mannerly and responsive. Her ability to follow Kevin's direction and change her expression was remarkable for a young lady at a typically awkward stage in life. I told her she could quit school and be a model! Just kidding mom! You have to admit it though, she does have the look.
Our thanks to Baleigh, who helped make our day of new beginnings a beautiful and memorable one. (Stay in school kiddo and model for us every chance you get!)
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

We did all that we were trained to do to make sure this little guy was asleep for his newborn photo shoot, but he was extremely alert for his mere days in this world. With a mind of his own he resisted all our tricks so we just let him run the show!
I must say that we were very pleased that Lucas decided to be awake for the shoot because we were able to create an image that evokes emotion to the viewer. There is something about a big strong man that rescues, saves and puts his own life on the line for others while cradling a new and helpless life in his arms, his own son.
At the moment when their eyes locked, that Daddy and fireman knew he was in for the biggest assignment of his life!
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856
Sorting, editing, softening here and there and what you end up with are beautiful images and even some works of art. A few of these images have been fashioned into "Master Images." Its good to see the possibilities.
Click on the image below and enjoy the beautiful faces of Lara and Deric soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Deric Raymond. Here is their first public showing of a budding love for one another.
As the PDF file loads, click on the images to advance.That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

Click on the image above to view a set of PDF slides of our new little "Diva," Hayden. (Use your up / down arrows to advance the slides.)
We really enjoyed working with this lovely one year old, her Mom and fantastic Grandmother. Now lets enjoy, "Hayden..."That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

So have you missed me? Well, I've been at the races!
I have to admit that I love the thrill of being a winner, but I don't understand this passion guys have with racing cars. Ever since cars were created they were raced. Watching fast cars go round and round equates to counting sheep to me. So what is the attraction? Maybe it's the feelings of liberation, speed, power, control, excitement, etc...and even danger. Or perhaps it is a way of testing one's limits and skills while at the same time going head to head with other contestants, all wanting to achieve the glory of being the first to cross the finish line.
Now, I am going to tell you my theory: It is a gene that they are born with... Have you ever noticed that every little boy, even before they can talk, can purse their lips together and mimic the engine sound of a souped-up race car? They are doomed from the start!
When I met four year old Gabriel for the first time he had a toy Ferrari under his arm and greeted me with, "I am pleased to meet you and this car is just like the one my Daddy drives." Hmmm, seems like my theory is true and it transcends generations. Way before this little guy will be driving, he is engulfed in the "racing culture."
Murals & Design was commissioned to do this race car mural by Frost Interiors. We first painted the base color a warm gold with tan undertones. Gabriel's Daddy was very specific in the details he wanted in the paintings. On either side of the windows we recreated two, 2x3 foot vintage race posters. Over the Pitt Stop, (bathroom door) we painted a vintage Ferrari, the famous checkered flags, and of course made the room special by adding Gabriel's name. The 6x14 foot track scene was painted high on the wall so the bed could be placed under it.
When the room was finished both the designer and clients were happy, so, yes, it does feel good to be a winner!
I do love the contrast of black and white like the checkered flags and I do like fast red even though I was not born with the gene, I think I could learn to enjoy racing!
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

Contrast: (noun) The use of opposing elements, such as in color or style in proximity, to produce an intensified effect.
Contrast can be directly associated in creating the "WOW" factor as I refer to it. To decorate your entire home in this fashion would be too overwhelming for the senses and you would tire of it quickly. We do however want to have a touch of the "WOW" factor in all of our homes. But where are the best locations for such elements, you ask? Well, the most obvious would be rooms for kids and teens, then try having some fun with your entry or foyer. Use contrast in both color and style to awaken the senses of your arriving guests. Remember that the foyer of your home is your opportunity to make a "first impression," so just like mama use to say, "put you best face forward."
The powder room, which typically consists of a sink and a toilet with its sole purpose being the convenience of your guests, is a great location for the "WOW" factor to be implemented. The post today, "Hoity Toity" is an example of contrast in both color and style. This is a powder room for a client in Forney, Texas whose fun and sassy personality matches the room. We are carrying this theme into the adjoining laundry room, which I will share with you later.
The walls were painted a happy shade of red with a slight undertone of orange. To create the contrast we were looking for, we used black and white on both fabrics and accessories. The custom window treatment is a padded cornice board with a silk panel tied with a yummy tassel. What does not show in the photographs (very hard to shoot such small rooms) is a cow hide rug in black and white on the floor. Talk about a contrast in style!
So we have accomplished our goal, Miss Jo now has a "Hoity Toidy" that makes her guests exclaim, "WOW!"That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

How did I become ME? Well today, May 30th, that question is answered as I give thanks and honor to my parents, Wade and Mary Jane Roe who are celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary. A beautiful blond haired gal with the cutest little nose gave her heart to a tall handsome guy and that began their journey...
So back to the original question, "How did I become ME?" Well, five years into their journey, I was born! It was a time in their life when they were members of a sports car club. They drove the very first convertible, Thunderbird and it was red, of course. When I was old enough to stand, I was donned in a beautiful straw hat and dress to match my mother and was allowed to stand on the seat between them as we participated in rallies. I think I was like a new " hood ornament" that they were so proud of!
I am not exactly like just one of my parents but a combination of them both. Sorta like a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll! (where did that come from?) As far as looks, I got my blond hair and small nose from mom and my high forehead and blue eyes from dad. Those outward traits are determined by the genes and are accepted "as is." However it is the inward traits passed on that began to form I to ME. This took work and diligence, time, determination and sacrifice on the part of my parents as they began to mold me through their training but mostly by their example.
Just to mention a few, I watched my mom teach bible school and visit the nursing home. She made sure that less fortunate kids had Christmas gifts and she did without so I could have things. She was very talented and was always sewing and baking and making crafts. So I have to say that my mom is responsible for my desire to give of myself and put others first, my love for art and my love of the Lord.
I watched my dad build an airplane in our basement and heard him talk of machines that he invented. I watched him start a business in a shed in our back yard, then move it to the garage and now, thanks to him it is a thriving business in an Industrial Park. Because of my dad, I am constantly looking for something to invent myself and I do not like to sit idle. He has instilled in me a desire to better myself and my situation. He taught me to "think."
Wow! Now I see that it took many years to form ME, and I have not even begun to scratch the surface....
So, mom and dad, if you read this I would just like to say thanks for hikes in the woods and picnics at the airport. Thanks for lemonade stands and birthday parties, and being so active in all my school events including my green hair when I was a leprechaun in the play. Thanks for giving me a beautiful childhood filled with wonderful memories. And last but not least, thank you for living your life as an example so I could become the very best "ME!" I am not bragging, but as Martha Stewart would say, "It's a good thing!"That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856
Ever since my return from Texas School things have been busy. OK, now I'll be honest with you. I have been sitting at this computer every chance I get "playing" with Photo Shop and all the "goodies" I learned in the class. It is so exiting to use the effects on our photography and not the stock photos provided by the instructor. You know how you feel when you purchase a new picture frame and there is a stranger looking back at you? Then you put a photo of your child in it and you get that ahhhhh feeling and the warn fuzzies inside? Well that's how I'm feeling, so forgive me for the short blog today...
We all own one or two of these and they seem so popular in decor nowadays. I personally have five of them in different sizes and shapes on my dining table. Now, with their growing popularity we must step outside the box to set ours apart from everyone else' s. Oh yea, I guess I should tell you that I am talking about clear glass cylinders.
In the post today, you will see one filled with creamers that the client has a passion for collecting. (to each his own!) It does set her common cylinder apart from the rest. So what are you going to put in yours? How about coffee beans, or old silverware? Just please do me a favor and do not put fake fruit in it!
And that advice didn't cost you a thing!That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856
Well friends I am finally back. I am caught up on the lost sleep and my 50 year old body has realized that I would only commit it to one week of college life at a time and has turned from it's rebellious spirit.
Early morning to early morning was the schedule for my week at Texas School for Professional Photographers. Thank goodness eight hours of each day was sitting in front of a computer learning my way around Photoshop. Thank you Thomas Wylie of Pine Acres Photography for being my desk mate. I could not have done it without you! Like I said in an earlier post, this was a big stretch for me. I am an artist who paints on the wall and not on a computer screen. I am an old fashioned gal at heart and have fought the technology of the computer as if it were a space alien when it comes to my art. Besides, I am married to George Jetson who always seems to be on the galactic edge of the computer frontier. My teacher made a few blond jokes, so that may have something to do with it too???
So, to sum up the Texas School experience, I have to say that it was incredible! I rubbed shoulders with some of the greatest icons in the photographic craft, made some new friends, was inspired beyond belief and gained a confidence with "art" on the computer to fly my own space ship! I am already deciding what course to take next year. And by the way, I had tons of fun.
The post today is a canvas gallery wrap composite (14"X30") of three generations. This is an example of what can be done using Photoshop. We photographed each person individually to capture their unique personality, which is not always possible when shooting as a large group. The polished images were then merged together. (a lot more involved, but that's it in a nutshell) We were thrilled with the outcome and knew we hit the ball out of the park when the client saw the canvas and said,"priceless!"
What would a precious family heirloom like this be worth to you?
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

Do you want to take me shopping with you? This activity seems to be an ever increasing trend with Murals & Design. One reason that I am attributing it to is the fact that people live very full lives and just do not have the time to shop and many times return items that did not work. The main reason is most people just have no clue. Now don't get your feathers ruffled, I am not being ugly, but let's face it we all have our different talents and abilities. It's what makes life a "penny candy store" for those of you old enough to remember what that is! I can reassure you that I am the first to seek out guidance before purchasing those "out of my scope" items.
Before our shopping trip, Murals & Design will visit your home and make a list just like an efficient chef would do before going to the grocery. We will take photographs, gather samples of your existing soft goods like pillows and drapery tie backs. We will take paint samples, make accurate measurements and even remove a cabinet door to take along. It is important to have all the elements available and on hand to make sure that we can obtain that cohesive, designer look everybody is wanting. To accomplish this lofty order in most cases on the first trip, and in a timely manner, saves you money and loads of grief in the long run. Our rates are very reasonable and typically the savings more than pay for our services. Plus you get to buy me lunch!
The post today shows a snippet of a recent shopping trip for a sitting area in a master bedroom. In a future post I will give you some tips on shopping for granite for your kitchen.
So if you think you can do the shopping on your own, just keep one thing in mind; once the scissors make the first cut in the bolt of decorator fabric, or the fabricator installs the granite, you ARE committed. Some things just can't be returned, even if you have the receipt. haha! Usually these are your big ticket items. Ouch!
So, do you want to take me shopping?
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856
This morning I woke up next to the man I said "I do" to 30 years ago today. Then I was showered with HUNDREDS of "sweet" kisses and a beautiful card that he made himself. He is so creative and has such a way with words. From the first day that we met in 1976, through today he has been leaving me expressions of his love and words of encouragement in cards, on pieces of scrap paper, on the back of the electric bill envelope, the front of the dentist reminder cards that get sent to the house and on paper napkins; whatever is available when an inspiration comes to him. I am not sure if he is aware of it but I have saved every sediment and cherish his written words because they come from his heart. The last line in the card that he made for me today says, "embrace my heart for just 30 more years and I will love you forever." (the rest of the words are only for me...)
Just the other day someone made the comment that we should consider renewing our vows at 30 years, and I have been thinking about that. The conclusion that I have come to is: why would I want to do anything that would cloud or replace the memories of that precious day. The vows that I promised at 1:00pm on April 21st, 1979, are the ones that I still hold close today, thirty years later.
If I take the time to sit quietly and close my eyes, I can still feel the fluttering in my stomach on the way to to church and the indescribable joy in my heart on that day. I remember reciting the "whether thou goest, I will go" scripture from the book of Ruth to Kevin and the tingle I felt when he placed the silver band on my finger. I can still see the tear that trickled down my Dad's face as he walked me down the isle and as I gazed into the eyes of my very soon to be husband when he said his vows, I could see into his very soul. Even in my sweet innocence, I knew it was forever...
I can even remember all the words to the songs that were sung. I think I'll sing them to Kevin tonight! I can still see the two doves that perched on the top layer of the cake, and my baby brother wearing the little white ring barer suit that I made for him. I still have the dime that my uncle gave me for a phone call the night before the wedding, just in case I needed to call him. Shopping for my gown with my mother was a special time. How we ended up with the "southern bell" look in Pennsylvania is still a mystery... but she assured me that hats were all the rage...
The first dance with my dad was a tender time and I'm not sure that he wanted to let me go! The last dance was with my mother and she really was not letting go! Kevin tore me from her arms and picked me up and ran from the reception hall to the car decorated with pink tissue carnations.
Then, our honeymoon began, with HUNDREDS of "sweet" kisses...
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

I know, It's been too long since I've made an entry here. I could blame it on a marshmallow chick sugar overload, but the truth is I am working on election signs. Once the initial graphic design work is finished, it's a pretty laborious and mundane job. I may post the finished signs and banners touting the candidates names and slogans for you...or not!
Speaking of names, this would be a good day to share something new that Murals & Design will be offering: custom painted wooden letters. A child's room would not be complete without having their names on the wall. The letters can be painted to match the decor of the room. Any color or theme...your wish is my command! How cute would they be hung with big satin ribbons for the girls, and I'll have to get back with you on the boys...hmm...
They are great gift ideas and are an alternative to painting directly on the walls. So many of you ask, "how much will that cost?" Well, Murals & Design has the policy of pricing each job as "custom" but I can tell you to budget about $28.00 for a 10 inch letter. A small price to pay to add the name of a very special child to complete the "look" of his or her room. Children love seeing their names "posted", and who knows, they might run for mayor some day!
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856
The post today is a portion of a mural in a nursery painted by Murals & Design.
I love the "color of Easter." Pastel colors are not only calming to the eye but are soothing to the soul.
The downy soft yellow of the new baby chick and the minty green growth of fresh grass that tickles the toes...
Flowers that dot the hillside like the shades in the painters' box, back lit by a powder blue sky...
Crisp white pin tucked pinafores resting on top of cotton candy pink dresses...
Creamy ivory shoes and matching shinny purses that reflect the sherbet melon color ribbon tied around the basket which cradles the precious water colored eggs...
I love the "color of Easter," soft and tender, sweet and yummy.
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856
How often do you use your dining room? Three times a year maybe? We spend lots of money on china and silver that sit in a cabinet the other 362 days. Not to mention the cost of the furniture that always looks like it was just delivered new from the store. Then you have the decor. Lamps and florals, art and rugs...
Now ask us ladies to do without our dining rooms and you would think that we were asked to give up our first born! So, the givens are: we will not do without a dining room in our homes and it is going to cost money to properly outfit it. When it comes to decorating it Murals & Design is quite capable and happy to help you, as seen with our dining room from the Grand Tour of Homes in today's post. But pushing my services is not the real reason for the blog today. I want to persuade you (and me included) to rethink the use of our beloved "museum like" dining rooms. Sure we want guests to feel special when they come for Easter dinner, but what about those that you prepare meals for everyday? They should be the most important "guests" that you will ever entertain. How about at least one day a week, bring "your" little family to the "special place" and show them how important they are to you. It's also a great time to create memories, teach etiquette and respect for fine things, even if you are only serving hot dogs! And you know what? It's OK if your two year old "accidentally" pounds his fork on the cherry wood table. It adds CHARACTER!!!
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

Today was a fun day. Rachel, my daughter and I have been making a habit of spending Monday's (her day off) together. Usually the day includes shopping, lunch and some form of "pampering." Today included the usual shopping trip, but in an unusual place. We spent the afternoon searching for the perfect frocks to fit a "chic" chihuahua named Molly at Pets Mart. This mighty-mini with a super-sized attitude who could fit into a coffee mug is my new "grand dog."
When Rachel and Darren got married, I made it clear that when they had children, I did not want to be called "Grandma." I want to be called "G." That's right, just "G." Well, we are trying the title out with the grand dog, and I have to say I like the sound of it! I was also in true "G" form today, spoiling her by buying all those things she could not live without...and letting her taste her first ice cream sandwich as seen in the snap shot posted.
I even showed Rachel how to smuggle her into Walmart in an overnight bag! I know, I know, it was wrong for me to do, but a good "G" would never leave the baby in the car regardless of the chance that all three of us would be kicked out of Walmart and suffer public humiliation!
But the very best part of the day was the glimpse of motherhood that I witnessed in Rachel as she tenderly handled that pooch with the apple shaped head and bugged out eyes that only a mother could love. For now Miss Molly will fill that nurturing instinct within Rachel, but I have great feelings for the future when she is blessed with a little one with just two legs, and please Lord, normal sized ears!
And I think I am going to be a pretty good "G" too. Especially with all this practice I am getting!
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

Today I decided that I have a new favorite book. Celebrating my only daughter's 26th birthday, I took some quiet time to reminisce about the special day that she was placed in my arms for the very first time. On March 25th at 7:32am in Alexandria, Louisiana, I gave birth to a beautiful baby who we named after her great grandmother. She weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces and was 21.5 inches tall. Some facts we never seem to forget, but as I soaked up the words and pictures in my new favorite book, I realized that this book was invaluable in making sure that I never let go of all the little details that began on this day twenty six years ago.
Rachel Ann discovered her hands and feet at three months and laughed out loud at four months. She sat up on her own at five months and pulled up at ten months. Her first words were Daddy and bird, and she climbed the stairs at twelve months. At eighteen months she weighed twenty five pounds and at thirty six months put on her socks all by herself. When she was two she could cut with scissors and use crayons and on her third birthday she came down with the chickenpox. In April of 1986 she milked a cow in Springfield and on her seventh Christmas Santa brought a doll called "Baby Bubbles." Karate and violin lessons began in 1989 and fast forwarding for the sanity of you readers...My precious little girl was married on February 2, 2008, and now a new book has begun...
I guess by now you have figured out that my new favorite book is entitled "Baby's Milestones." My baby Rachel's milestones!
Happy Birthday to you, dear one...
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

So what do you think about the new look and direction for Murals & Design?
Saying goodbye to all those black polka dots was harder than I thought it would be. Everywhere I turned in my little world I saw spots! I have dots on a pair of shoes, on my ink pens and notebooks, the dog's collar, Kevin's neck tie, my suitcase, my jacket, and the list goes on and on. Wow! I just realized that these items that I seemed obsessed with collecting because they matched the black and white polka dot theme that has been the face of Murals & Design for years, completely goes against everything I preach to my clients! "No matcy-matchy!" Well, now I am totally convinced. The dots have to go! There is something about putting the words in writing that makes you see the real truth in "black and white!"
With all that being said, I still would like your input on the new look, but please don't ask me to bring back the black dots!
On a different note, I wanted to share with you the "just in time for spring" project that Murals & Design did for a grandma who adores her grandgirls. This room painted in a dusty purple is filled with antiques and mementos from the family. I painted the names of the three precious girls and the flowers in a limey-sage color. The ribbon on the mirror was the inspiration for that color. Initially I thought I would use a darker purple for the names, but sometimes a contrasting color has more of an impact. The key to its success is to match the tone to the style of the room. This antiquated grandgirls room needed to be soft and not over powering with contrast.
Hearts are touched when grandchildren arrive at grandmas house to spent the night and see their names painted on the wall of a very special room created just for them. Think about it...
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

The bible in Hebrews 13 says: "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."
An angel was certainly here at our home this afternoon when we photographed this beautiful "sweety-pattootie."
She is about three months old and may very well be the most pleasant infant we have had the pleasure of working with so far. Mom, Grandma, and Great Grandma were in attendance to keep her focused and in character during her special "close-up."
In this image she is wearing a delicately appointed white christening outfit that was provided by Grandma. She recently wore the dress at her dedication ceremony just a few weeks ago.
This little darling should prove we have angels "all about" clearing the way and protecting the path as we go on our way on this earth.
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

Now that I have finally "reset" all the clocks in the house to reflect the time change, something has flipped a switch in me. I should be taking notes because I think this "thing" happens to me every year about this time.
The same dead plants in the flower beds that I walked by and ignored for months, before the time change, drive me crazy now. This is Texas so it was not like there was snow hiding them from me. After the "change" they seem to taunt me as I pass by on the way to my car; calling my name and waving to get my attention!
This "thing" [change] affects "Trudy" personally too. I mull over things like, should I start spelling my name "Trudae" instead? Maybe I should use all lower case letters, "trudae." This is the way that my art teacher in high school suggested that I sign all my paintings. Hmmm... I wonder if she was trying to make me "change" 30 years ago?
The latest thing that I am feeling is a strong urge to change the design of my business. It's hard because my business cards and stationary feature all those black polka dots which have become a part of me! They have been with me through many, many tubes and gallons of paint. But my business has gradually evolved into many more areas of interest, not just murals. The dots along with the "space toaster" font, project my fun and whimsical side which I do not want to lose. But I am feeling the need to add some "BAM!" to "kick it up a notch." You know, some of "Emerial's" seasoning right?
My very understanding husband, being sensitive to my "condition" suggested that I start with a new photo. I resigned myself to put my full trust in him to create a metamorphosis in me from the other side of his lens. Then he told me to "take it off!" Say what???? OK, off with the baseball cap! I was pretty pleased with the final output and suggested that he let me photograph him to match "my" new look. So now I am wondering if this should be the new look for the photography side of the business and not for Murals & Design??? I am toying with a new name for the photo side also. Now that the time has changed, "Williams Photography" seems so common to me. How about: keVINphotography?
Oh my! Is there a cure for all this racing in my head? It may be time to just step back and take a breath. Now where did I put that ball cap that says,
"Just kiss me, I'm Irish!"
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

Yesterday, Murals & Design installed the final element in this inviting guest bedroom, the draperies. The client in Forney, Texas already had some beautiful "bones" for this room, but it just lacked pizazz with its beige walls and country style bedding.
The beautiful rice carved poster bed and two paintings that the client already had were the inspiration for the blue / green colors. The focal wall was a darker shade then two shades lighter was applied to the other three walls. The darker wall was given a stencil effect that matched the pattern in the bedding.
And when Trudy looks up, you know you're in trouble! My thought was that if the stencil looked good on the wall, it would look awesome on the ceiling! My friend Beth bravely took on the task of doing all the painting and stenciling. She did a wonderful job and doesn't hate me too much for making her do the ceiling! It truly was the "icing on the cake" for this room.
We were able to use the existing accessories that were in this room, except for the bedside lamps. Because of the height of the posts on the bed, I suggested that buffet style lamps would better enhance the look. The shades were custom made for us by a local lamp manufacturer to contrast the bedding. What you do not see in the photograph is a Thomas Kinkade, " Paris street scene." Also there is a teal colored plaque gilded in gold that says "One shoe can change a life."...Cinderella
If you have a room in your home that you "call" a guest room, take the time to make it a cozy retreat so your guests will feel special. Don't forget to add a little something unexpected to make them smile.
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

As I was reflecting on the weekend I can't help but to think about my neighbor friends and fish. This past Saturday all ten of us got together to celebrate my husband Kevin's birthday. No, we did not go to Captain D's we did Italian. (Kevin's favorite) OK, so what is the association between friends and fish? They both start with the letter F, don't they?! Come on, I know that I am" blond" but I can think a little deeper than letter association!
I have always been enthralled with salt water creatures. It would probably be safe to say that visiting an aquarium would rank tops on my list of fun! I am not into knowing the particulars about each species ( I am an artist not a scientist) but more intrigued with the diverse shapes and colors of the sea life. I have been observed lingering longer than the normal viewing time, staring through the glass as if in a trance. There have been times that a deep belly laugh has erupted from a normally quiet Trudy. I can't think of any one location where there are so many exhibitions of creative art work all in one place. It has convinced me that God has a sense of humor, and is an awesome color specialist!
Now trying to stay focused on neighbor friends and fish...It's really pretty simple. If you saw us all together you would not think that we were family because we all look so different. We were raised in different parts of the country and have different views on politics and religion. Some of us have children and it is safer that some of us do not. Our choice in pets range from Yorkie to Dobermans, and we drive the gamut between mini vans to motor cycles. We have about a 30 year age spread between us, with the youngest being nicknamed "Ladybug Johnston" because she is just as cute as a bug, to the eldest we lovingly call Aunt Millie. We look to her for wisdom. I think she is listed in the drop down category under Google:" Ask Millie!"
So now you see the association with the fish. We are all so unique in our own ways but get along so well! We love to laugh together and because we are on this path called life, we will inevitability have the opportunity to cry together... I know that I can call on any one of them and they would be right there for me and in turn there is nothing that I would not do for them!
Hmmm...If I were not a human, I think I would like to be a hot pink octopus! What about you?
This under the sea mural is another from Murals & Design for Emmanuel Church.
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856
Those of you who have been following my blog know that I am "Federal Income Tax challenged." The task has engulfed my mind for the past few weeks now. Well, I am relieved to say that the chore is behind me and my mind is free to wonder in a colorful realm.
When Murals & Design paints a mural for children, I strive to make it more that just a pretty picture. I want it to be a prop that sparks the imagination of a young explorer on a safari in the African Jungle. As the sun sets on the Serengeti, the explorer rests in his tent and watches the creatures roam the floor of the jungle through the open door flap. At nightfall he snuggles down into his sleeping bag and is lulled to sleep by the melodic sounds of jungle bugs, and dreaming of the next days adventure...
While four year old Rachel depends on a grown-up to help her cross the street, "Queen Rachel" rules a kingdom, lives in a castle and rides her horse wherever she wants to go. The life of three year old Darren might be boring, but "Darren the fireman" is a hero.
I fear that TV and video games are robbing our children of the ability to think creativity as adults. Imagination is developed by interacting and re-acting to the world around them, not sitting passively.
Remember the days when we played for hours with a refrigerator box? It was a house and a cabin and a grocery store. If the memory of your experiences in the cardboard house are only a vapor - maybe you need to follow a child and see where his imagination takes you!
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

I never thought that I would be using the phrase "back in the day..." I guess I am older than I think - if that makes any sense!
Well, back in the day, all signs were made by hand. With the technology we have today, hand painted signs are becoming a lost art. Historically, apprenticeships were the means of learning the craft. Learning how to manipulate a lettering brush was the core of the process. Achieving this skill alone could take years depending on the proficiency of the "master." An artist who had accomplished the skill of hand lettering signs was called a Letterhead. With the advent of computer generated signs the craft has taken a back seat position. However, most professional sign painters are quite passionate about their work; computer generated signs are both a blessing and a curse.
Murals & Design occasionally gets a request for a hand painted sign. I am in no way considered a Letterhead, but I enjoy creating this type of sign.
The two signs in the post today were hand painted for a boutique in Forney, Texas. The large sign is done on a 4'x8' sign board. I am seen putting the finishing touches on it after installation. The smaller sign for the front of the building was mounted inside an old dresser mirror frame, which added interest and a touch of whimsy.
So why do I enjoy spending the many hours required to complete a painted sign? (not to mention the stinky paint and turpentine) I guess it is because it resembles painting a mural, which I love to do. Or maybe it's because I have a touch of that passion to keep alive a craft from "back in the day."
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
Trudy 972-814-5856

Trompe l'oeil is a French word meaning "to fool the eye." It is a style of painting that gives the illusion of reality.
Shadow and perspective are the two key elements to a trompe l'oeil painting. Perspective is a drawing on a flat surface of an image as it is perceived dimensionally by the eye. Shadows are added to give the appearance of directional light hitting the object.
Shadow Painting Tips: Squinting at a subject helps make the areas of light and dark clearer. Remember, shadows are not simply ‘black’. Use darker tones of the colors in the objects, or dark complementary colours.
The post today is another laundry room created by Murals & Design and also an example of tromplel'oeil. Everything below the shelves and the clock are real objects in the room. The shelves and items on them are painted.
At first glance I think I have "fooled your eye!"
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design
This is a definite sign that the wedding ceremony has gone on too long! With the click of the shutter Kevin caught this little guy about to fall asleep on the job! It is also the best representation of what this time of year does to me. I know that I am not the only one who has to "do taxes". To you "normal" people who breeze through the task with nary a yawn...I am jealous.
Now I see where the term starving artist comes from. Put a paint brush in my hand and I am on top of the world; a confident, get-er-done kind of gal, but I can't seem to wrap my mind around compiling numbers for any length of time before the yawns begin.
This condition has been with me for two weeks now and I can't seem so shake it. Each day I enter the den and look at the mounds of folders and receipts that surround my chair. My mind goes into a daze and all I see is a white blur - no color here! I feel like a stranger in this black and white world. Avoiding the room altogether seems make me feel better. I find myself needing to play Frisbee with the fur kids, darning socks and baking brownies.
Today I have determined to conquer this disease. I will enter the room and swap out the colorless manila folders with the new red, yellow and blue ones so maybe I will have a new perspective on the evil three letter word.
Hmmm, what's that I hear? I think it's my phone ringing. I'm pretty sure that it's my neighbor needing me to go to lunch with her!
Ever wonder why the IRS calls it Form 1040? Because for every $50.00 you earn, you get 10 and they get 40!
That's all for now but as always...
Have a colorful day!
Murals & Design